Economics of Endangered Species Conservation
My research focuses on three main topics: the economics of endangered species conservation, nonprofit organizations, environmental regulation, and environmental public goods, and the environmental impacts of agricultural policy. I have also conducted research on a number of additional topics.
Christian Langpap. 2022. Interest Groups, Litigation, and Agency Decisions: Evidence from the Endangered Species Act. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 9(1): 1 - 26. Final Working Paper
Amy Ando and Christian Langpap. 2018. The Economics of Species Conservation. Annual Review of Resource Economics 10: 445 - 467.
Christian Langpap, Joe Kerkvliet, and Jason Shogren. 2018. The Economics of the U.S. Endangered Species Act: A Review of Recent Developments. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 12(1): 69 - 91.
Christian Langpap and JunJie Wu. 2017. Thresholds, Perverse Incentives, and Preemptive Conservation of Endangered Species. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4(S1): S227 - S259.
Christian Langpap and Joe Kerkvliet. 2012. Endangered Species Conservation on Private Land: Assessing the Effectiveness of Habitat Conservation Plans. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 64: 1 – 15.
Christian Langpap and Joe Kerkvliet. 2010. Allocating Conservation Resources under the Endangered Species Act. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92: 110-124.
Joe Kerkvliet and Christian Langpap. 2007. Learning from Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Programs: A Case Study Using U.S. Endangered Species Act Recovery Scores. Ecological Economics 63: 499-510.
Christian Langpap. 2006. Conservation of Endangered Species: Can Incentives Work for Private Landowners? Ecological Economics 57: 558-572.
Christian Langpap and JunJie Wu. 2004. Voluntary Conservation of Endangered Species: When Does No Regulatory Assurances Mean No Conservation? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47: 435-457.
Christian Langpap. 2004. Conservation Incentives Programs for Endangered Species: An Analysis of Landowner Participation. Land Economics 80: 375-388.
Nonprofit Organizations, Environmental Regulation, and Environmental Public Goods
My work on endangered species conservation examines incentives for conservation on private land, the effectiveness of endangered species legislation, and the impact of litigation by environmental groups on ESA implementation.
Laura Grant and Christian Langpap. The Roles of Environmental Nonprofits in Economics. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy. Forthcoming.
Christian Langpap. 2021. Interest Groups, Litigation, and Agency Decisions: Evidence from the Endangered Species Act. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 9(1): 1 - 26. Final Working Paper.
Laura Grant and Christian Langpap. 2020. Willingness to Contribute as a Component of the Social Cost of Water Pollution. Land Economics 96(4): 573 – 588. Final Working Paper.
Laura Grant and Christian Langpap. 2019. Private Provision of Public Goods by Environmental Groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(12): 5334-5340.
Final Working Paper. Supplementary Materials.
Christian Langpap. 2015. Voluntary Agreements and Private Enforcement of Environmental Regulation. Journal of Regulatory Economics 47: 99 – 116.
Christian Langpap and Jay Shimshack. 2010. Private Citizen Suits and Public Enforcement: Substitutes or Complements? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 59: 235-249.
Christian Langpap. 2008. Self Reporting and Private Enforcement in Environmental Regulation. Environmental and Resource Economics 40: 489-506.
Christian Langpap. 2007. Pollution Abatement with Limited Enforcement Power and Citizen Suits. Journal of Regulatory Economics 31: 57-81.
Published Papers
Published Papers
Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Policies
My work on nonprofits, regulation, and public goods has focused on: (i) The effects of lawsuits filed by environmental organizations on the behavior of regulatory agencies and on environmental outcomes, (ii) The provision of public goods by environmental groups, and (iii) The effect of environmental quality on fundraising and contributions to environmental nonprofits.
This work examines the effects of policies such as land use regulations, biofuel subsidies, and crop insurance on welfare, land use, crop choice, and environmental outcomes such as wildlife habitat and water quality .
Published Papers
Roger Claassen, Christian Langpap, and JunJie Wu. 2017. Impacts of Federal Crop Insurance on Land Use and Environmental Quality. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99: 592 - 613.
JunJie Wu and Christian Langpap. 2015. The Price and Welfare Effects of U.S. Biofuel Mandates and Subsidies. Environmental and Resource Economics 62: 35-57.
Christian Langpap and JunJie Wu. 2011. Potential Environmental Impacts of Increased Reliance on Corn-Based Bioenergy. Environmental and Resource Economics 49: 147-171.
Christian Langpap, Ivan Hascic and JunJie Wu. 2008. Protecting Watershed Ecosystems through Targeted Local Land Use Policies. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90: 684-700.
Christian Langpap and JunJie Wu. 2008. Predicting the Effect of Land Use Policies on Wildlife Habitat Abundance. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 56: 195-218.
Other Topics
I have also conducted research on topics such as carbon sequestration in private forests, irrigation decisions, fuel choice and indoor air pollution, the use of water temperature forecasts for fisheries management, and wildfire.
Published Papers
Jeffrey J. Reimer and Christian Langpap. 2022. New Development in Trade Theory and the Food and Beverage Industry. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 1(1): 4 - 17
Dede Long, David Lewis, and Christian Langpap. 2021. Negative Traffic Externalities and Infant Health: The Role of Income Heterogeneity and Residential Sorting. Environmental and Resource Economics 80(3): 637 – 674. Final Working Paper.
Christian Langpap and JunJie Wu. 2021. Preemptive Incentives and Liability Rules for Wildfire Risk Management. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103(5): 1783-1801. Final Working Paper
William K. Jaeger, Adell Amos, David Conklin, Christian Langpap, Kathleen Moore, and Andrew Plantinga. 2019. Understanding the Scope and Limitations of Drought Management with Human-Natural System Models. Nature Sustainability 2(8): 710 -717. Final Working Paper
William K. Jaeger, Adell Amos, Daniel P. Bigelow, Heejun Chang, David R. Conklin, Roy Haggerty, Christian Langpap, Kathleen Moore, Phil Mote, Anne Nolin, Andrew J. Plantinga, Cynthia Schwartz, Desiree Tullos, and David T. Turner. 2017. Finding Water Scarcity Amid Abundance Using Human-Natural System Models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(45): 11884 – 11889. Final Working Paper.
Dan Bigelow, Andrew Plantinga, David Lewis, and Christian Langpap. 2017. How Does Urbanization Affect Water Withdrawals? Insights From and Econometric-Based Landscape Simulation. Land Economics 93(3): 413 - 436. Final Working Paper
Taeyoung Kim and Christian Langpap. 2016. Agricultural Landowners’ Response to Incentives for Afforestation. Resource and Energy Economics 43: 93 - 111. Final Working Paper
Beau Olen, JunJie Wu and Christian Langpap. 2016. Irrigation Decisions for Major West Coast Crops: Water Scarcity and Climatic Determinants. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98: 254-275.
Taeyoung Kim and Christian Langpap. 2015. Incentives for Carbon Sequestration Using Forest Management. Environmental and Resource Economics 62: 491 – 520. Final Working Paper
John Edwards and Christian Langpap. 2012. Fuel Choice, Indoor Air pollution, and Children’s Health. Environment and Development Economics 17: 379-406. Final Working Paper
Biao Huang, Christian Langpap, and Richard Adams. 2012. The Value of In-stream Water Temperature Forecasts for Fisheries Management. Contemporary Economic Policy 30: 247-261. Final Working Paper
Biao Huang, Christian Langpap, and Richard Adams. 2011. Using In-stream Water Temperature Forecasts for Fisheries Management: An Application in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47: 861-876. Final Working Paper
John Edwards and Christian Langpap. 2005. Startup Costs and the Decision to Switch from Firewood to Gas Fuel. Land Economics 81: 570-586. Final Working Paper
Other Publications
W. Jaeger, A.J. Plantinga, C. Langpap, D. Bigelow, and K. Moore. Water, Economics, and Climate Change in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. Oregon State University Extension Service. EM 9157. February 2017.
T. Kim and C. Langpap. Statistical Analysis on the Factors Affecting Agricultural Landowners’ Willingness to Enroll in a Tree Planting Program. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. Research Paper PNW-RP-604. May 2015.
C. Langpap and T. Kim. Literature Review: An Economic Analysis of Incentives for
Carbon Sequestration on Nonindustrial Private Forests (NIPFs). In Alig, Ralph, Ed., Economic Modeling of Effects of Climate Change on the Forest Sector and Mitigation Options: A Compendium of Briefing Papers. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-833. October 2010.
R.M. Adams, C. Langpap, and B. Huang. The Value of Stream Temperature Forecasts in Salmonid Management: Some Further Results. White paper prepared for the Office of Hydrologic Development, National Weather Service. August 2010.
R.M. Adams, B. Huang, and C. Langpap. The Value of In-stream Water Temperature
Forecasts: An Application to Salmonid Management in the Pacific Northwest. White paper prepared for the Office of Hydrologic Development, National Weather Service. September 2009.
J. Bolte, M. Santlemann, P. Adamus, C. Smith, J. Li, P. Jepson, F. Lamy, K. Vache, and C. Langpap. Integrating Ecological, Economic, and Social Goals in Restoration Decisionmaking.
Special Report, Virginia Water Resources Research Center, no. SP7. January 2001.
Ongoing Work
The Efficiency of Tax Deductions for Charitable Donations Revisited: Evidence from Environmental Groups, with Laura Grant.
Examining the Effectiveness of Nonprofit Groups’ Expenditures on Species Recovery: the Case of Pacific Salmon and Steelhead, with Zichu Zhao and Dave Lewis.
Agglomeration and Dispersion: A New Explanation of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, with JunJie Wu and Kathleen Segerson.